#1 Trusted Relationship Services Provider in the USA.

Ranked first in the global nuclear energy and having 48,000 employees worldwide.

A portal for company reviews, salaries & interview.

Recognized as the first company to bridge the Internet with the public switched telephone network.

The Ládecasa.tv is a leader in innovative solutions for television reception on TV, iPad, iPhone & Android in Portugal.

Best online food ordering system from Australia for small restaurants.

An intergovernmental organisation set up fifty years ago. Volunteering work in 54 countries, six continents and almost 3rd of the world’s population.

Pioneered the concept of yellow pages operating in 35 cities in India.

Leading printing ink manufacturing company from Japan.

Leading agri products online shop in Oklahoma state.

One of the top Daily Deals website in Lebanon.

An Internet-based travel website based in the US with localised sites for 22 countries.

The largest commercial real estate developer in India listed in stock exchange.

An Australian contact lens E-commerce website based on Asp.Net

#1 global technology and innovation company with operations in over 170 countries.

Listed in New York Exchange, and is leading wholesale carrier of international long distance calls.

Global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with around 90,000 employees in more than 80 countries and territories.

Leading company from UK offering best in class Business process & Document management softwares.